Our Flock of Birdies

Today we made a big step. We got our chickens well over a few months ago and haven’t quite been ready to let them free roam. Letting your chickens run free like that have some great benefits. (I’ll link an article of the benefits) We live in the city, so we didn’t know exactly how this would play out for us. Our dogs and chickens share the same backyard, but of course our chicks are protected in their run. We also didn’t want them to jump on one the of the fences that connect to our neighbors’ yard, because of their dogs. As the chicks came out the coup they were just as nervous as us. Hunter went to fill up their water and they followed him all the way up the backyard. It was a great experience, and it also gave us room to clean out their run. They enjoyed the time just as much as we did. Until they didn’t!! They ran all the way back to their run and was ready to rest. What an eventful day for them.